

1943 Born in Duisburg
1962 – 65 Studies at the Fachhochschule in Bielefeld at
Prof. Thyra Hamann-Hartmann (Bauhaustradition);
Mainly textile-design, painting, drawing, composition,
textile-practice. Early sales of textile-design
1965 Final examination for design with distinction
1965 – 70 Different activities as a designer in Bielefeld
1966 Birth of the daughter Thyra
1973 – 76 Studies at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Berlin
1976 – 78 Work at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
1978 – 98 Teacher at the Sophie-Scholl-Schule, Staatliche Europaschule Berlin, subjects art and social studies
Seit 1998 Freelance painter and designer in textile
2004 – 06 Student of Eva Böddinghaus
(Master student of Prof. Karl Schmidt-Rottloff)
Seit 1998 Private and public exhibitions in Berlin, Vevey (Switzerland),
Fréjus (South France), Paris, Moss (Norway), Uckfield (England)
Urusla Mühlenweg-Vogelsang